Knowing Your Ignorance is Liberation from Prejudice and Blind Faith

Knowing Your Ignorance is Liberation from Prejudice and Blind Faith

Knowledge is not power — Knowing that you do not know is truth.

Earlier this year I published a short post titled, “Wisdom is Knowing That You Do Not Know.”

I kept the post short, mirroring the brevity of the Tao Te Ching verse it speaks about. But I also recorded an unpublished podcast that speaks more broadly on ignorance and knowledge and how that affects our beliefs and values.

Enjoy this episode!

Untenable is a podcast about queer points of view, solution-oriented rants, and dialectics about morality in a world that seems unfair, unjust, and untenable. Hosted by Darren Stehle: thinker, writer, and coach for queer disruptors, change-makers, and creatives.